This is going to be a fun blog (I am bored of being serious). It is full of assumptions and personal thinking and may have very less scientific proof (sometimes we should just hang the science for a bit). If you are not interested in fiction, I warn you not to go further, you may be disappointed. For the rest of you, let’s go and have some good time (hopefully).

So, the earth has made it to the year 2810. Yes, it is still surviving. The global warming and the melting of that ice have consumed few hundreds of our cities. But finally, we have controlled the temperature. We here mean a mix of human and robotic species. Robots have taken all the mundane and repetitive jobs from the humans. Humans don’t construct, humans don’t manufacture, humans don’t drive (wait there are no cars, just pods running on renewable energy but yes, buses are still here), humans don’t bank and humans don’t fight (oh no, no, I take this back, humans still fight).

If we don’t do any of these then what do we do? Humans are smart (always were). We didn’t give everything to robots. Pure human emotions are still with humans. No, it is not that it was not tried but robots just can’t get that, definitely not all of them. Humans still love, humans still cheat. Humans are teachers, scientists, doctors (and nurses), lawyers, social workers, comedians, painters, musicians, actors, adventurers, and all other arts professionals. Humans still form the root of the society (yes, robots have their own, but it is way too boring for humans). Robots will be creative but only as much necessary. Humans won’t be working for money but for satisfaction. Humans won’t have ‘a job’ but multiple talents and contributing to the economy.

Virginia Tech is still there (you see, why they put it in Blacksburg, middle of nowhere) and ranks first in both humanities and sciences (No, seriously, also MIT is gone, so is Harvard). They realized in 2018 itself that opening a drone park means automation and hence added enhanced focused on humanities (I hope someone with important administrative position reads this block, I am just trying to help). They opened the drone park and tested driverless cars, so they were not going back on sciences. The downtown is still one block long but hey, everyone is having lunch and dinner at the drill field with the food delivered by drones (from any food joint that can be named).  There is nothing called as tenure for professors (they finally realized in 2108 that it is a useless system). Knowledge is given without restriction. There is no division of students into undergraduate and graduate. There are just knowledge seekers.

There are so many more things to add but I will just stop here for now (I have to write a couple of more blogs). If you want to add anything, feel free to comment. I also invite all the disappointed souls to vent off their anger and frustration here (hey, I warned you this may be disappointing, you decided to continue). Happy 2810!

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